- bancassurance
- продаж страхових послуг через банківську мережу; види страхування, надавані банками
The English-Ukrainian Dictionary. Economics, Finance, Banking, Investmentss, Bank Loans. S. Ya. Yermolenko, V. I. Yermolenko. 2002.
The English-Ukrainian Dictionary. Economics, Finance, Banking, Investmentss, Bank Loans. S. Ya. Yermolenko, V. I. Yermolenko. 2002.
bancassurance — [ bɑ̃kasyrɑ̃s ] n. f. • 1988; du rad. de bancaire et assurance ♦ Distribution de produits d assurance par les réseaux bancaires. ● Bancassurance nom féminin (nom déposé) Pratique des opérations d assurance par les banques. bancassurance… … Encyclopédie Universelle
bancassurance — banc‧as‧sur‧ance [ˈbæŋkəˌʆʊərəns ǁ ˌʆʊr ] noun [uncountable] BANKING INSURANCE the combining of banking and insurance activities in one organization; = ALLFINANZ * * * bancassurance UK US /ˈbæŋkəʃʊərens/ US /ˈbæŋkəʃʊrens/ noun [U] UK … Financial and business terms
Bancassurance — is the selling of insurance ( assurance ) products by a bank . The usage of the word picked up as banks and insurance companies merged and banks sought to provide insurance, especially in markets that have been liberalised recently. It is a… … Wikipedia
bancassurance — /bangˈkə shoo rəns/ noun The provision of financial services spanning both banking and insurance ORIGIN: ↑bank1 and ↑assurance • • • bancˈassurer noun … Useful english dictionary
Bancassurance — Le néologisme bancassurance désigne une notion pouvant être interprétée de diverses façons. On n en trouve pas de définition claire ni dans la pratique, ni dans la théorie. On peut en principe définir la bancassurance soit d’un point de vue… … Wikipédia en Français
Bancassurance — A French term referring to the selling of insurance through a bank s established distribution channels, known as a Bancassurer. The result is a bank that can offer banking, insurance, lending, and investment products to a customer … Investment dictionary
Bancassurance — The term for companies involved in both banking and insurance … International financial encyclopaedia
bancassurance — [ baŋkəˌʃɔ:rəns] (also bankassurance) noun Brit. the selling of life assurance and other insurance products by banking institutions. Derivatives bancassurer noun … English new terms dictionary
bancassurance — Allfinanz The combination of traditional loan and savings bank products with such assurance products as life assurance and pensions. It is now common for major UK banks to provide this combined service and the practice is spreading worldwide … Accounting dictionary
bancassurance — Allfinanz The combination of traditional loan and savings bank products with such assurance products as life assurance and pensions. It is now common for major UK banks to provide this combined service and the practice is spreading worldwide … Big dictionary of business and management
bancassurance — /bæŋkəˈʃɔrəns/ (say bangkuh shawruhns) noun a package of financial services offered by banks and fulfilling both banking and insurance needs. {French} …